
#include "Message.h"


Message class.

Private variables

Type Name Description
PPluginMessage PluginMessage Variable used to communicate with AQQ

Public variables

Type Name Description
UnicodeString JID Contact text ID
double Date Date of sending message
int ChatState User state in chat window with message receiver/sender
UnicodeString Body Message body
bool Offline Message was sent when receiver was offline
UnicodeString DefaultNick Receiver/sender nick
bool Store Save this message in archive?
byte Kind Message kind
bool ShowAsOutgoing Message is outgoing?

Public methods

Type Name Description
CMessage() Constructor
~CMessage() Destructor
PPluginMessage AQQFormat() Function converts this object to AQQ structure
void SDKFormat(PPluginMessage PluginMessage) Function converts AQQ structure to this object
void Notify() Funkcja wysyła powiadomienie o nowej wiadomości do AQQ
int Send(CContact* Contact) Function sends message to specifed contact. Returns message ID
int SendImage(CContact* Contact, UnicodeString Filename) Function sends image to specifed contact. Returns 0 in case of error else returns 1

