
#include "Popup.h"


Popup class. Popups can be assigned only with self created buttons.

Private variables

Type Name Description
PPluginAction Popup Variable used to communicate with AQQ
CPopupItemsManager* PopupItemsManager Popup items manager

Public variables

Type Name Description
UnicodeString Name Popup name

Public methods

Type Name Description
CPopup() Constructor
CPopup(UnicodeString Name) Constructor. After the call immediately creates a popup
~CPopup() Destructor
void Create() Function creates a popup
void Destroy() Function destroys a popup
void AddItem(CPopupMenuItem* Item) Function adds new item to popup
void RemoveItem(UnicodeString Name) Function removes item with the specified name form popup
CPopupMenuItem* GetItem(UnicodeString Name) Function returns popup item with the specified name
CPopupMenuItem* GetLastAddedItem() Function returns last added popup item


Example plugin that using CPopup class you may find here.